Q: Who are good candidates for ThermiVa?
A: Women who are suffering from leaky bladder symptoms, vaginal looseness, vaginal dryness, lack of friction or sensation during intercourse, sagging of the labia and painful intercourse. ThermiVa treatments can even improve orgasmic function. It achieves all of the above through controlled radiofrequency energy applied directly to the tissues with the use of a small painless plastic probe.

Q: When do you see the results?
A: It varies from person to person, although many patients have reported improvement with days of the first treatment. The results improve with each treatment and even beyond the 3rd treatment.

Q: How long do the results last?
A: The results can last up to 12-18 months. A follow up treatment may be required yearly to maintain the effect and would be priced at $1100 (incl GST).

Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: Dr. Feiner calls it the “30:3:3” treatment.

30 minute treatment sessions
3 times (about monthly)
3 months

Q: Is it painful?
A: No. ThermiVa is a very comfortable, in-office procedure that requires no anaesthesia whatsoever. The patented and unique treatment It is performed using radio frequency heat energy which is delivered through a soft plastic S-shaped plastic probe that is carefully moved over the labia and inside the vagina heating these areas in a thermostatically controlled manner. The treatment has been described to feel like a gentle warm massage.

Q: Can anyone have this procedure?
A: Any woman 18 and above who is not currently pregnant and has met the conditions mentioned above can have ThermiVa performed.

Q: Can this be performed while breast feeding and can you continue breast feeding?
A: Yes, the procedure done while you are breast feeding.

Q: Is there any downtime?
A: There is no downtime. The patient can resume all your normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Q: Are there any pre-requisites for this procedure?
A: A normal pap smear within the last two years and a normal pelvic exam is preferred. ThermiVa should not be performed for at least 6 weeks after a normal vaginal delivery.

Q: ThermiVa should not be performed while on chemotherapy.

A: ThermVa should not be performed in patients with a pacemaker or defibrillator.

Q: Is there any special preparation?
A: Just trimming or removal of pubic hair.

Q: How soon can I resume my activities and exercise?
A: The same day.

Q: Who does the procedure?
A: It is performed by the doctor, nurse or clinical aesthetician who has been trained in the procedure.

Q: Is there any aftercare?
A: No.

Q: Can I resume exercise after this procedure?
A: Yes. You can start exercising the same day.

Q: I want my outer areas (labia majora and minora) to be treated. Does ThermiVa do that?
A: Yes. In fact unlike lasers, ThermiVa radiofrequency is the only technology that can treat the whole female genital region inside and outside safely, painlessly and effectively.